
UGA Courses

WILD 5700/7700: Applied Population Dynamics

Basic theory from population ecology paired with statistical methods needed to apply theory in practice. This is a split-level course with undergraduates comprising approximately 75% of the enrollment. Lectures are paired with computer labs and field labs where we collect and analyze data.

WILD 8390: Estimation of Fish and Wildlife Population Parameters

Statistical methods for modeling abundance, distribution, and vital rates using occupancy, count, distance-sampling, and mark-recapture data. Formerly co-instructed with Dr. Michael J. Conroy who taught it for 30 years before retiring in 2019. Mike’s website is here. I’m in the process of developing new course materials here.

FANR 6750: Experimental Methods in Forestry and Natural Resources Research

This course focuses on the analysis of data from manipulative experiments. Lectures are paired with computer labs in which students learn how to use R. Co-instructed with Dr. Robert J. Cooper from 2013 until 2020 when I gave it up to focus on WILD 8930.

Informal online courses

Model fitting for graduate students

The website for this course is a work in progress meant to help my students learn the basics of statistical model fitting.