
Links to our papers can also be found on my Google Scholar site.

In press

Gaya, HE and RB Chandler. In press. Warm-adapted encroachment outpaces cool-adapted retreat in a hotspot of trailing-edge population diversity in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Ornithological Applications p.duae053 [paper][data].


Gaya, HE and RB Chandler. 2024. Individual‐level biotic interactions and species distribution models. Journal of Biogeography 51:2071-2083. [paper][data]

Ellsworth, WH, SD Peacor, RB Chandler, LM Conner, EP Garrison, KV Miller, and MJ Cherry. 2024. Measuring the Benefit of a Defensive Trait: Vigilance and Survival Probability. Ecology e4429. [paper]

Green, JM, SL Koch, KA Buhlmann, BA Bastarache, KA Bouley, BO Butler, RB Chandler, and TD Tuberville. In press. Post-release survivorship in a new population of blanding’s turtles established using headstarted and directly released turtles. Northeastern
Naturalist 31 (Special Issue 12):E68–84. [paper]

Perea, S, G Fandos, A Larsen-Gray, DU Greene, RB Chandler, and SB Castleberry. 2024. Bat winter foraging habitat use in working forests: a multispecies spatial occupancy approach. Animal Conservation 27:478-491. [paper]

Gaya, HE, RJ Cooper, CD Delancey, J Hepinstall-Cymerman, EA Kurimo-Beechuk, W Lewis, S Merker, and RB Chandler. 2024. Clinging to the top: natal dispersal tracks climate gradient in a trailing-edge population of a migratory songbird. Movement Ecology 12:28. [paper][data]

Hua, F, W Wang, S Nakagawa, S Liu, X Miao, L Yu, Z Du, S Abrahamczyk, LA Arias-Sosa, K Buda, M Budka, SM Carriere, RB Chandler,  G Chiatante, DO Chiawo, W Cresswell, A Echeverri, E Goodale, G Huang, MF Hulme, RL Hutto, TS Imboma, C Jarrett, Z Jiang, VI Kati, DI King, P Kmecl, N Li, GL Lovei, L Macchi, I MacGregor-Fors, EA Martin, A Mira, F Morelli, R Ortega-Alvarez, R Quan, PA Salgueiro, SM Santos, G Shahabuddin, JB Socolar, MCK Soh, R Sreekar, U Srinivasan, DS Wilcove, Y Yamaura, L Zhoa, PR Elsen. 2024. Ecological filtering shapes the impacts of agricultural deforestation on biodiversity. Nature Ecology and Evolution. [paper]

Miller, CV, CM Bossu, JF Sarraco, DPL Toews, CS Rushing, A. Roberto-Charron, JA Tremblay, RB Chandler, MG DeSaix, CJ Fiss, J Larkin, S Haché, S Nebel, and KC Ruegg. 2024. Genomics-informed conservation units reveal spatial variation in climate vulnerability in a migratory bird. Molecular Ecology, 33, e17199. [paper]

Martin, LH, J Hepinstall-Cymerman, RB Chandler, RJ Cooper, MC Parrish, L Hao, and BC Stevenson. 2024. Estimating owl population density using acoustic spatial capture-recapture. Journal of Raptor Research 58: 15-27. [paper]


King, DI, ME Akresh, DA Murillo, RE Bennett, and RB Chandler. 2023. Habitat associations of Golden-winged Warblers and Blue-winged Warblers during the non-breeding season. Avian Ecology and Conservation 18(2). [paper]

Nolan, V, N Wilhite, PE Howell, RB Chandler, D Ingram, JM Yeiser, C Scott, and JA Martin. 2023. Distance sampling and spatial capture-recapture for estimating density of Northern Bobwhite. Ecological Informatics, 78, p.102330. [paper]

Abernathy, H.N., D.A. Crawford, R.B. Chandler, E.P. Garrison, L.M. Conner, K.V. Miller, and M.J. Cherry. 2023. Rain, recreation and risk: Human activity and ecological disturbance create seasonal risk landscapes for the prey of an ambush predator. Journal of Animal Ecology 92:1840-1855 [paper]

Kellner, K.F., A.D. Smith, J.A. Royle, M. Kéry, J.L. Belant, and R.B. Chandler, R. 2023. The unmarked R package: Twelve years of advances in occurrence and abundance modelling in ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14:1408-1415. [paper

Engebretsen, K.N., M.J. Cherry, L.M. Conner, E.P. Garrison, K.V. Miller, and R.B. Chandler, 2023. Noninvasive camera data and spatial capture–recapture models reveal strong temporal variation in fawn survival. Ecosphere, 14(4), p.e4497. [paper][dryad]

Lewis, W.B., R.J. Cooper, R.B. Chandler, R.W. Chitwood, M.H. Cline, M.T. Hallworth, J.L. Hatt, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, S.A. Kaiser, N.L. Rodenhouse, T.S. Sillett, K.W. Stodola, M.S. Webster, and R.T. Holmes. In press. Climate-mediated population dynamics of a migratory songbird differ between the trailing edge and range core. Ecological Monographs. e1559. [paper][github]

Johnson, J.T., R.B Chandler, L.M. Conner, M.J. Cherry, C.H. Killmaster, K.L. Johannsen, and K.V. Miller. 2023. Assessing the implications of sexual segregation when surveying white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus. Wildlife Biology e01077. [paper]


Bled, F., M.J. Cherry, E.P. Garrison, K.V. Miller, L.M. Conner, H.N. Abernathy, W.H. Ellsworth, L.L.S. Margenau, D.A. Crawford, K.N. Engebretsen, B.D. Kelly, D.B. Shindle, and R.B. Chandler. 2022. Balancing carnivore conservation and sustainable hunting of a key prey species: A case study on the Florida panther and white‐tailed deer. Journal of Applied Ecology 59:2010-2022. [paper][dryad]

Lewis, W.B., R.B. Chandler, C. Delancey, E. Rushton, G. Wann, M. McConnell, and J. Martin. 2022. Abundance and distribution of ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) at the southern periphery of the range. Wildlife Biology 2022: e01017. [paper]

Margenau, L. L. S., M. J. Cherry, K. V. Miller, E. P. Garrison, and R. B. Chandler. 2022. Monitoring partially-marked populations using camera and telemetry data. Ecological Applications 32:e2553. [link]

Chandler, R.B, D.A. Crawford, E.P. Garrison, K.V. Miller, and M.J. Cherry. 2022. Modeling abundance, distribution, movement, and space use with camera and telemetry data. Ecology 103:e3583. [paper][github]

McClintock, B.T., B. Abrahms, R.B. Chandler, P.B. Conn, S.J. Converse, R. Emmet, B. Gardner, N.J. Hostetter, D.S. Johnson. 2022. An integrated path for spatial capture-recapture and animal movement modeling. Ecology 103:e3473. [link]

Abernathy, H.N, R.B. Chandler, D.A. Crawford, E.P. Garrison, L.M. Conner, K.V. Miller, M.J. Cherry. 2022. Behavioral responses to ecological disturbances influence predation risk for a capital breeder. Landscape Ecology 37:233–248. [link]


Yeiser, J., J.J. Morgan, D.L. Baxley, R.B. Chandler, and J.A. Martin. 2021. Optimizing conservation in species-specific agricultural landscapes. Conservation Biology 35:1871-1881. [link]

Mezebish, T.D, R.B. Chandler, G.H. Olsen, M. Goodman, F.C. Rohwer, N.J. Meng, and M.D. McConnell. 2021. Wetland Selection by Female Ring-Necked Ducks (Aythya collaris) in the Southern Atlantic Flyway. Wetlands 41:48. [link]

Johnson, J.T., R.B. Chandler, L.M. Conner, M.J. Cherry, C.H. Killmaster, K.L. Johannsen, and K.V. Miller. 2021. Effects of Bait on Male White-Tailed Deer Resource Selection. Animals 11:2334. [link]

Howell, P.E., N. Wilhite, R. Gardner, J. Mohlman, R. Chandler; I. Parnell, J. Martin. 2021. The effects of landscape characteristics on northern bobwhite density. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1001-1008. [link]

Ritterson, J.D., D.I. King, and R.B. Chandler. 2021. Habitat‐specific survival of golden‐winged warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) during the non‐breeding season in an agricultural landscape. Journal of Avian Biology 52:e02442. [link]

Merker, S. and R. B. Chandler. 2021. An experimental test of the Allee effect range limitation hypothesis. Journal of Animal Ecology 90:585-593. [paper][github]

Yeiser, J.M, R.B. Chandler and J.A. Martin. 2021. Distance-dependent landscape effects in terrestrial systems: a review and a proposed spatio-temporal framework. Current Landscape Ecology Reports 6:1–8. [link]

Jimenez, J., B.C. Augustine, D.W. Linden, R.B. Chandler, and J.A. Royle. 2021. Spatial capture–recapture with random thinning for unidentified encounters. Ecology and Evolution 11:1187-1198. [link]

Ritterson, J.D., D.I. King, R. Raudales, R. Trubey, and R.B. Chandler. 2021. Generating best management practices for avian conservation with a land-sparing agricultural system. Agroforestry Systems 95:395–405. [link]


Fink, S., R. B. Chandler, M. J. Chamberlain, S. Castleberry, and S. Glosenger-Thrasher. 2020. Distribution and activity patterns of large carnivores and their implications for human–carnivore conflict management in Namibia. Human–Wildlife Interactions 14(2):16. [link]

Howell, P. E., B. R. Hossack, E. Muths, B. H. Sigafus, and R. B. Chandler. 2020. Informing amphibian conservation efforts with abundance-based metapopulation models. Herpetologica 76:240-250. [link]

Hooker, M. J. R. B. Chandler, B. T. Bond, and M. J. Chamberlain. 2020. Assessing population viability of black bears using spatial capture‐recapture models. Journal of Wildlife Managment 84:1100-1113. [paper][github]

Merker, S.A. and R.B. Chandler. 2020. Identifying global hotspots of avian trailing-edge population diversity. Global Ecology and Conservation 22:e00915. [link]

Howell, P. E., B. R. Hossack, E. Muths, B. H. Sigafus, A. Chenevert-Steffler, R. B. Chandler. 2020. A statistical forecasting approach to metapopulation viability analysis. Ecological Applications 3:e02038. [link]


Abernathy, H. N., D. A. Crawford, E. P. Garrison, R. B. Chandler, M. L. Conner, K. V. Miller, and M. J. Cherry. 2019. Deer movement and resource selection during Hurricane Irma: implications for extreme climatic events and wildlife. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20192230. [link]

Bennett, R. E., A. D. Rodewald, K. V. Rosenberg, R. Chandler, L. Chavarria-Duriaux, J. A. Gerwin, D. I. King, and J. Larkin. 2019. Drivers of variation in migration behavior for a linked population of long-distance migratory passerine. The Auk 136(4): ukz051. [link]

Augustine, B. C., J. A. Royle, S. M. Murphy, R. B. Chandler, J. J. Cox, and M. J. Kelly. 2019. Spatial capture– recapture for categorically marked populations with an application to genetic capture–recapture. Ecosphere 10(4): e02627. [link]

Jimenez, J., R.B. Chandler, J. Tobajas, E. Descalzo, R. Mateo, and P. Ferreras. 2019. Generalized spatial mark–resight models with incomplete identification: An application to red fox density estimates. Ecology and Evolution 9:4739-4748. [link]

Crawford, D.A., M.J. Cherry, B.D. Kelly, E.P. Garrison, D. Shindle, L.M. Conner, R.B. Chandler, and K.V. Miller. 2019. Chronology of reproductive investment determines predation risk aversion in a felid-ungulate system. Ecology and Evolution 9: 3264-3275. [link]

Coughlin, E.M., B.M. Shamblin, H.R. Tumas, R.B. Chandler, and C.J. Nairn. 2019. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Canada warbler (Cardellina canadensis). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 4:450-451. [link]


Chandler, R.B., K. Engebretsen, M.J. Cherry, E.P. Garrison, and K.V. Miller. 2018. Estimating recruitment from capture–recapture data by modelling spatio‐temporal variation in birth and age‐specific survival rates. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9:2115-2130. [paper][github]

Hsiung, A.C., W.A. Boyle, R.J. Cooper, and R.B. Chandler. 2018. Altitudinal migration: ecological drivers, knowledge gaps, and conservation implications. Biological Reviews 93:2049-2070. [link]

McConnell, M.D., A.P. Monroe, R.B. Chandler, W.E. Palmer, S.D. Wellendorf, L.W. Burger, and J.A. Martin. 2018. Factors influencing northern bobwhite recruitment with implications for population growth. Auk 135:1087–1099. [link]

Tumas, H.R., B.M. Shamblin, M. Woodrey, N.P. Nibbelink, R. Chandler, and C. Nairn. 2018. Landscape genetics of the foundational salt marsh plant species black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus Scheele) across the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Landscape Ecology 33:1585-1601. [link]

Chandler, R.B., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, S. Merker, H. Abernathy-Conners, and R.J. Cooper. 2018. Characterizing spatio-temporal variation in survival and recruitment with integrated population models. Auk 135:409–426. [link]

Yeiser, J., J. Morgan, D. Baxley, R.B. Chandler, and J. Martin. 2018. Evidence that private land conservation has landscape-scale benefits for wildlife in agroecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1930–1939. [link]

Howell, P.E., E. Muths, B. Hossack, B. Sigafus, and R.B. Chandler. 2018. Increasing connectivity between metapopulation ecology and landscape ecology. Ecology 99:1119–1128. [link]

McFarland, K.P., J.D. Lloyd, S.J.K. Frey, P.L. Johnson, R.B. Chandler, and C.C. Rimmer. 2018. Modeling spatial variation in winter abundance to direct conservation actions for a vulnerable migratory songbird, Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli). Condor 120:517–529. [link]

Ferrari, B.A., B.M. Shamblin, R.B. Chandler, H.R. Tumas, S. Hache, L. Reitsma, and C.J. Nairn. 2018. Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis): Novel molecular markers and a preliminary analysis of genetic diversity and structure. Avian Conservation and Ecology 13(1):8. [link]

Laufenberg, J.S., J.D. Clark, and R.B. Chandler. 2018. Estimating population extinction thresholds with categorical classification trees for Louisiana black bears. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0191435. [link]

Cherry, M.J., R.B. Chandler, E.P. Garrison, D.A. Crawford, B.D. Kelly, D.B. Shindle, K. Godsea, K.V. Miller, L.M. Conner. 2018. Wildfire affects space use and movement of white-tailed deer in a tropical pyric landscape. Forest Ecology and Management 409: 161–169. [link]

Whittington, J., M. Hebblewhite, and R.B. Chandler. 2018. Generalized spatial mark-resight models with an application to grizzly bears. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:157-168. [link]


Chandler, R.B. and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2016. Estimating the spatial scales of landscape effects on abundance. Landscape Ecology 31:1383-1394. [link]

Howell, P.E., B.R. Hossack, E. Muths, B.H. Sigafus, and R.B. Chandler. 2016. Survival estimates of reintroduced populations of the Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis). Copeia 4:824–830. [link]

Monroe, A., R.B. Chandler, W. Burger, Jr., and J.A. Martin. 2016. Converting exotic forages to native warm-season grass can increase avian productivity in beef production systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 233:85-93. [link]

Dziadzio, M.C., L.L. Smith, R.B. Chandler, and S.B. Castleberry. 2016. Effect of nest location on gopher tortoise nest survival. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:1314-1322. [link]

Laufenberg, J., J.D. Clark, M.J. Hooker, C.L. Lowe, K.C. O’Connell-Goode, J.C. Troxler, M.M. Davidson, M.J. Chamberlain, R.B. Chandler. 2016. Demographic rates and population viability of black bears in Louisiana. Wildlife Monographs 194:1-37. [link]

Taylor, A.R., J.H. Schacke, T.R. Speakman, S.B. Castleberry, R.B. Chandler. 2016. Factors related to common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) seasonal migration along South Carolina and Georgia coasts, USA. Animal Migration 3:14-26. [link]

Dziadzio, M.C., A.K. Long, L.L. Smith, R.B. Chandler, and S.B. Castleberry. 2016. Presence of red imported fire ants at gopher tortoise nests. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:202-206. [link]


Chandler, R.B., E. Muths, B.H. Sigafus, C.R. Schwalbe, C.J. Jarchow, and B.R. Hossack. 2015. Spatial occupancy models for predicting metapopulation dynamics and viability following reintroduction. Journal of Applied Ecology Journal of Applied Ecology 52:1325-1333. [link]

Hostetler, J.A. and R.B. Chandler. 2015. Improved state-space models for inference about spatial and temporal variation in abundance from count data. Ecology 96:1713-1723. [link]

Sollmann, R., B. Gardner, R.B. Chandler, J.A. Royle, and T.S. Sillett. 2015. An open population hierarchical distance sampling model. Ecology 96:325-331. [link]


Chandler, R.B. and J.D. Clark. 2014. Spatially explicit integrated population models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:1351-1360. [link]

Graves, T., R.B. Chandler, J.A. Royle, P. Beier, and K.C. Kendall. 2014. Estimating landscape resistance to dispersal. Landscape Ecology 29:1201-1211. [link]

Royle, J.A., R.B. Chandler, C.C. Sun, and A.K. Fuller. 2014. Reply to Efford on “Integrating Resource Selection Information with Spatial Capture-recapture.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:603-605. [link]

Zipkin, E.F., T.S. Sillett, E.H.C. Grant, R.B. Chandler, and J.A. Royle. 2014. Inferences about population dynamics from count data using multistate models: a comparison to capture-recapture approaches. Ecology and Evolution 4:417-426. [link]

Zipkin, E.F., J.T. Thorson, K. See, H.J. Lynch, E.H.C. Grant, Y. Kanno, R.B. Chandler, B.H. Letcher, and J.A. Royle. 2014. Modeling structured population dynamics using data from unmarked individuals. Ecology 95:22-29. [link]


Chandler, R.B., D.I. King, C.C. Chandler, R. Raudales, R. Trubey, and V.J. Arce Chavez. 2013. A small-scale land-sparing approach to conserving biodiversity in tropical agricultural landscapes. Conservation Biology 27:785-795. [link]

Chandler, R.B. and J.A. Royle. 2013. Spatially-explicit models for inference about density in unmarked or partially marked populations. Annals of Applied Statistics 7:936-954. [link]

Royle, J. A., R. B. Chandler, K.D. Gazenski, and T. A. Graves. 2013. Spatial capture-recapture models for jointly estimating population density and landscape connectivity. Ecology 94:287-294. [link]

Sollmann, R., B. Gardner, R.B. Chandler, D. Shindle, D. Onorato, J.A. Royle, and A. O’Connell. 2013. Using multiple data sources provides density estimates for endangered Florida panther. Journal of Applied Ecology 50:961-968. [link]

J.A. Royle, R.B. Chandler, C.C. Sun, and A.K. Fuller. 2013. Integrating resource selection information with spatial capture-recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4:520-530. [link]

Yackulic, C.B., R.B. Chandler, E. Zipkin, J.A. Royle, J.D. Nichols, E.H.C. Grant, and S. Veran. 2013. Presence-only modeling using MAXENT: When can we trust the inferences? Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4:236-243. [link]


Sillett, T.S., R.B. Chandler, J.A. Royle, M. Kery, S.A. Morrison. 2012. Hierarchical distance sampling models of habitat-specific abundance and total population size of the Island Scrub-Jay. Ecological Applications 22:1997-2006. [link]

Royle, J.A, R.B. Chandler, C. Yackulic, and J.D. Nichols. 2012. Likelihood analysis of species occurrence probability from presence-only data for modeling species distributions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 157:261-280. [link]

Chandler, C.C., D.I. King, and R.B. Chandler. 2012. Do mature forest birds prefer early-successional habitat during the post edging period? Forest Ecology and Management 264:1-9. [link]


Chandler, R. B. and D. I. King. 2011. Habitat quality and habitat selection of golden-winged warbler warblers in Costa Rica: application of hierarchical models for open populations. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:1038-1047. [link]

Chandler, R. B., J. A. Royle, and D. I. King. 2011. Inference about density and temporary emigration in unmarked populations. Ecology 92:1429-1435. [link]

King, D.I., C.C. Chandler, J.H. Rappole, R.B. Chandler, and D.W. Mehlman. 2011. Establishing quantitative habitat targets for a “Critically Endangered” neotropical migrant (golden-cheeked warbler Dendroica chrysoparia) during the non-breeding season. Bird Conservation International 22:213-221. [link]

King. D.I., R.B. Chandler, J.H. Rappole, R. Raudales, and R. Trubey. 2011. Community-based agroforestry initiatives in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. In: Simonetti, J.A.; Grez, A.A.; C.F. Estades, C.F., eds. Biodiversity conservation in agroforestry landscapes: challenges and opportunitites. Santiago, Chile: Editorial Universitaria, Santiago: 99-115. [link]

Schlossberg, S., D.I. King, and R.B. Chandler. 2011. Effects of low-density housing development on shrubland birds in western Massachusetts. Landscape and Urban Planning 103:64-73. [link]

Fiske I. and R.B. Chandler. 2011. unmarked: an R package for fitting hierarchical models of wildlife occurrence and abundance. Journal of Statistical Software 43:1-23. [link]


Schlossberg, S., D.I. King, R.B. Chandler, and B.A. Mazzei. 2010. Regional synthesis of habitat relationships in shrubland birds. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1513-1522. [link]


Chavez-Arce, V.J.R. Raudales, R. Trubey, D.I. King, R.B. Chandler, and C. Chandler. 2009. Measuring and managing the environmental costs of coffee production in Latin America. Conservation and Society 7:141-144. [link]

Chandler, R. B., D. I. King, and C. C. Chandler. 2009. Effects of management regime on the abundance and nest survival of shrubland birds in wildlife openings in northern New England, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 258:1669-1676. [link]

Wolfe, J.D., R.B. Chandler, and D.I. King. 2009. Molt patterns, age, and sex criteria for selected highland Costa Rica landbirds. Ornithologa Neotropical 20:451-459. [link]

Chandler, R.B., King, D.I., and S. DeStefano. 2009. Scrub-shrub bird habitat associations at multiple spatial scales in beaver meadows in Massachusetts. Auk 126: 186-197. [link]

King, D.I., R.B. Chandler, S. Schlossberg, and C.C. Chandler. 2009. Habitat use and nest success of scrub-shrub birds in wildlife and silvicultural openings in western Massachusetts, U.S.A. Forest Ecology and Management 257:421-426. [link]

King, D.I., R.B. Chandler, J.M. Collins, W.R. Peterson, and T.E. Lautzenheiser. 2009. Effects of width, edge and habitat on the abundance and nesting success of scrub-shrub birds in powerline corridors. Biological Conservation 142:2672-2680. [link]


Chandler R. B., A. M. Strong, and C. C. Kaufman. 2004. Elevated lead levels in urban house sparrows: A threat to sharp-shinned hawks and merlins? Journal of Raptor Research 38:62-68. [link]