James Johnson

James Johnson

Currently a post-doc in the Chandler Applied Ecology Lab, James earned his Ph.D. in the Chandler Applied Ecology Lab and the UGA Deer Laboratory within the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia. He completed his Master’s degree at Florida Atlantic University in 2012 with a thesis focused on estimating the vulnerability of organic soils to combustion during wildfire events.  James’ research is based out of the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center in Southwest Georgia where his work aims to develop a new method for creating white-tailed deer population parameters with the use of infrared trail cameras.  His research interests include population ecology and specifically the use of spatial capture-recapture concepts to better understand deer populations.  James is also interested in understanding how deer behavior is influenced by changes to environmental pressures, including predation and seasonal variations to their habitat, which cause shifts in vigilance or refugia use.