I am a postdoctoral researcher that is broadly interested in spatiotemporal dynamics of host-pathogen systems across multiple scales. In the Chandler Lab, I lend my expertise in quantitative disease ecology and pathogen-ungulate systems to modeling the spread of chronic wasting disease of white-tailed deer in the US. I came to the Chandler lab after spending three years in the Center for the Ecology of Infectious Diseases at UGA working with Vanessa Ezenwa in the gastrointestinal nematode-bovine tuberculosis-African buffalo system in Kruger National Park, South Africa where I sought to understand how host traits and environmental conditions shaped parasite community dynamics over time and space. I also collaborated with Alex Strauss at the CEID on seasonal epidemics and parasite-arthropod associations involving microsporidians and Daphnia spp., particularly in examining the potential role of arthropod intermediate hosts. Prior to my time at the CEID, I spent nearly 4 years at the Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Israel) as a Fulbright and Blaustein Prestigious Fellow. While at the BIDR, I worked with Boris Krasnov to understand multiscale drivers of ectoparasite community assemblages in small mammals. Additionally, my Ph.D. work involved quantifying drivers of endoparasite aggregation in big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) to better understand to roles of host traits and abiotic factors influence extreme heterogeneity in parasite burden within a host population. Besides quantitative disease ecology, my academic interests include behavioral ecology, fitness trade-offs, ecoimmunity, and One Health issues. Outside the lab, I enjoy hiking, rehearsing with my dance company, gardening, and noodling around on my ukulele.